One Tree Planted
We love being outdoors! Being outside on a mountain, through a forest, in the desert, or a park brings us so much joy.  So, when we went looking for an organization to raise money and complement our blog, it was an easy decision.
One Tree Planted is a non-profit 501C3 focused on reforestation to help save our planet. Every dollar donated, plants one tree. 
Here are ten facts about why planting trees are the best thing for the environment:
Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere 
Trees release oxygen
Trees help settle and trap dust
Falling Tree leaves keep the soil moist
Trees create ecosystems to provide a habitat for many creatures. 70% of the world's plants and animals live in forests. 
Trees help prevent soil erosion
Trees absorb excess water and filter toxins
Trees can reduce air temperature by blocking sunlight
Trees have a calming effect on humans
Trees are beautiful, nurturing, and graceful, making our landscapes rich and interesting 
Unfortunately, Deforestation devastates our planet, whereas Reforestation, planting new trees, improves it. New trees shape a greener world, enhance human health, and mitigate the effects of climate change. 
By donating to OneTreePlanted you can help benefit the world one tree at a time. 
One Simple Act
One Dollar
One Tree 
Please donate to this needed cause. Thank you!